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PvP Bracket Event

May 28th - May 30st


3 Days of Conquer is a bracket PVP event. While journeying, players occasionally run into OTHER DEFENDERS who they can proceed to attack. Players typically get a choice of three opponents to attack, each giving different battle points based on difficulty. If a player wins three matches in a row, they get an extra "winning streak" bonus that grows larger the longer their streak is, capping out at 30. When they reach a 30-win streak, it resets back to 0. If they lose a battle, their streak also gets reset to 0. Opponents get stronger with each 30-winning streak completed.

FF bracket star

In this bracket PVP event, players are placed within a bracket leaderboard, which consists of three echelons (and a pre-echelon phase). Players are promoted through echelons by gaining points. When they reach 2000 points, they are promoted to Echelon III, which begins bracket battles. In bracket battles, players compete against other players in their bracket to gain the most points within a set period of time. The top points earners get rewarded and may advance to the next echelon. Users who do poorly may get demoted to a lower echelon.

Note: You can not get double promoted by placing first in your echelon in this event.

This event sees the return of FRENZY. Occasionally upon meeting other defenders, players will earn a frenzy mode which lasts a limited time. During this time, players receive double the points when victorious against opponents.

FF frenzy

Event Units[]

There are no units who receive an edge bonus in this event. This event reintroduced several fighters from previous PvP events. They are:

Adila - Blis - Koikolida (Points Reward) [x]
Brasus - Mucapor - Zalmoxis (Brackets Reward) [x]
Mulge - Nabu-Ikbi - Lidunnamu (Points & Rank Reward)

It should also be noted that during this event the reward for inviting players came from the Feroze - Gaspar - Heydar line which was also from a previous PvP event.

Event Achievements[]

Name Description Reward
Self-Fuse Brasus 1 Time! Fuse together 2 Brasuss! From "FUSE," pick another, identical fighter. x3 Pixite
Evolve Brasus Metamorphose Brasus into another fighter! Self-Fuse to the SEF limit. x5 Pixite
Self-Fuse Mucapor 3 Time! Fuse together 4 Mucapors! From "FUSE," pick another, identical fighter. x1 Voxite
Evolve Mucapor Metamorphose Mucapor into another fighter! Self-Fuse to the SEF limit. x3 Voxite
Self-Fuse Adila 1 Time! Fuse together 2 Adilas! From "FUSE," pick another, identical fighter. x3 Pixite
Evolve Adila Metamorphose Adila into another fighter! Self-Fuse to the SEF limit. x5 Pixite
Self-Fuse Blis 1 Time! Fuse together 2 Blisss! From "FUSE," pick another, identical fighter. x1 Voxite
Evolve Blis Metamorphose Blis into another fighter! Self-Fuse to the SEF limit. x3 Voxite
Attain a 3-Win Streak! Win 3 consecutive times and prove your staying power in this war game! x1 Adila
Attain a 10-Win Streak! Win 10 consecutive times and prove your staying power in this war game! x1 Adila
Attain a 15-Win Streak! Win 15 consecutive times and prove your staying power in this war game! x1 Brasus
Attain a 20-Win Streak! Win 20 consecutive times and prove your staying power in this war game! x1 Blis
Attain a 25-Win Streak! Win 25 consecutive times and prove your staying power in this war game! x1 Brasus
Attain a 30-Win Streak! Win 30 consecutive times and prove your staying power in this war game! x1 Blis
Attain a 30-Win Streaks 2 Times! Win 30 consecutive times and prove your staying power in this war game! x1 Brasus
Attain a 30-Win Streaks 3 Times! Win 30 consecutive times and prove your staying power in this war game! x1 Koikolida
Attain a 30-Win Streaks 5 Times! Win 30 consecutive times and prove your staying power in this war game! x1 Mucapor
Attain a 30-Win Streaks 10 Times! Win 30 consecutive times and prove your staying power in this war game! x1 Nabu-Ikbi
Attain a 30-Win Streaks 20 Times! Win 30 consecutive times and prove your staying power in this war game! x1 Nabu-Ikbi
Attain a 30-Win Streaks 30 Times! Win 30 consecutive times and prove your staying power in this war game! x1 Lidunnamu
Attain a 30-Win Streaks 40 Times! Win 30 consecutive times and prove your staying power in this war game! x1 Lidunnamu
Attain a 30-Win Streaks 50 Times! Win 30 consecutive times and prove your staying power in this war game! x1 Lidunnamu

Rank Rewards[]

Starting 5/31/2013, rewards will be given out in each bracket.

The event also had a persistent rank leaderboard. Players will be rewarded Mulge, Nabu-Ikbi, or Lidunnamu fighters, along with voxite or pixite, aja leaves, and texi.

The following crowns were given out:
Goldcrown Rank 1-50
Silvercrown Rank 51-500
Bronzecrown Rank 501-5000


At the end of the event, Zar comments,

"The exos taught us that things can change in an instance. Our weeks are now days; the days, hours."